Our vision is to support through education and training the delivery of high quality congenital heart disease (CHD) services for patients and families in the North East and North Cumbria.
Education plays a crucial role in sharing knowledge and skills to enhance practice and develop the workforce. The aim of the network education programme is to promote and ensure access to specialist continued professional development and education.
The NENC-CHD Network are delighted to be able to present the education offer for 2021. We have brought together a range of expert congenital heart disease professionals to share their knowledge and experience of managing the care of children and adults with CHD.
We have designed the programme this year following the feedback given by those who completed our regional education survey. The sessions have been separated into professional groups to ensure we deliver relevant and appropriate education sessions to those who join us.
Read some reviews below.
Each session will be no longer than 90 minutes with time for question and answer with the presenters. All sessions will be delivered via Microsoft Teams and the link to each session is available on the network website and on our social media sites. The sessions are open to all and most of the time there is no need to book a place in advance.
Your contribution to these sessions is valued and we invite you to participate in the session chat using the chat function within the Teams virtual platform. The session will be facilitated and will endeavour to ensure that your questions are addressed by the presenters.
Please share widely with your colleagues to ensure we reach all those interested in developing their knowledge and skills in managing patients with congenital heart disease. Please feel free to download a copy of our promotional posters and share them with your colleagues!
Currently in development our PEC programme is designed to help paediatricians develop additional specialist experience in children with heart disease.
Our CHD programme is now available on the Learning Lab, click here to access the free learning.
Paediatric CHD Echocardiography course 20 - 21 November 2021 Freeman Hospital Newcastle.
Paediatric CHD Echocardiography course 20 - 21 November 2021 Freeman Hospital Newcastle.
Paediatric CHD Echocardiography course 20 - 21 November 2021 Freeman Hospital Newcastle.
Paediatric CHD Echocardiography course 20 - 21 November 2021 Freeman Hospital Newcastle.
Paediatric CHD Echocardiography course 20 - 21 November 2021 Freeman Hospital Newcastle.
Paediatric CHD Echocardiography course 20 - 21 November 2021 Freeman Hospital Newcastle.
Paediatric CHD Echocardiography course 20 - 21 November 2021 Freeman Hospital Newcastle.
Paediatric CHD Echocardiography course 20 - 21 November 2021 Freeman Hospital Newcastle.